Christian County Commissioner Meeting

Historic Courthouse 100 West Church St., Room 100, Ozark, MO, United States  Every Tuesday 9:00 am

Clever City Council Meeting

Clever City Hall 304 S. Clarke Avenue, Clever, MO, United States  3rd Tuesday

Spokane School Board Meeting

Highlandville Elementary School 223 Kentling Ave, Highlandville, MO Third Thursdays, 6PM to 7PM, Highlandville Elementary 223 Kentling Ave, Highlandville, MO 65669

Billings City Council Meeting

Billings City Hall 202 NE US Hwy 60, Billings, MO, United States  3rd Thursday

Christian County Commissioner Meeting

Historic Courthouse 100 West Church St., Room 100, Ozark, MO, United States  Every Tuesday 9:00 am

Nixa City Council Meeting

Nixa City Hall 715 W. Mt. Vernon St., Nixa, United States  2nd and 4th Tuesdays

Billings School Board Meeting

Billings RV Public School 118 W Mt. Vernon, Billings, MO Regular monthly board meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 in the school library, RM# 224, unless a change is posted.

Sparta School Board Meeting

Sparta School Admin Building 113 Division ST, Sparta, MO

Third Thursdays, 6:30PM, District Admin Building

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